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Link Governors


A link governor is:

  • a named, non-staff governor with an additional responsibility for monitoring the governance of a particular area of school activity 
  • appointed by the Full Governing Body from its membership, giving consideration to governors’ preferences and experience
  • not an inspector and does not hold any decision making responsibility unless otherwise delegated by the Full Governing Body.


The aim of the link governor is:

  • to make effective links with key school leaders and their staff to ensure that governors can successfully challenge and support the school.


Link governors will:

  • communicate with their link school leader on a termly basis
  • visit the school to meet with the link leader and/or carry out a learning walk at least twice a year
  • ensure the focus of the visit is closely aligned to the School Improvement Plan and curriculum priorities
  • maintain effective lines of communication between the school link leader and the governing body by completing an agreed pro forma report, to be  shared with all governors by email and at the relevant committee and/or full governing body meeting
  • keep themselves informed and up to date by attending relevant training provided by the Local Authority and, where possible, relevant staff training. In addition, reading relevant material and information, in particular publications and newsletters from the DfE, Ofsted and the National Governors’ Association.

Link Governors

link governors 2024 25.pdf