Year 6
Welcome to Year 6 Booklet
Welcome to Year 6 Booklet - September 2024
Year 6 Curriculum Booklet
Year 6 - Spring 1 Curriculum Booklet
Year 6 Curriculum Overview
year 6 hurst curriculum overview.pdf
Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs)
What are key stage 2 tests?
What are SATs and how are they used by schools?
Children in Year 6 will complete their end of Primary School tests, SATs, in May 2025. All Year 6 children across the country will take these tests and the results are used by schools to check the attainment and progress of each child in English and maths. SATs are also used by secondary schools in generating target GCSE grades and can be used for making the initial groups or streams in which the children are placed in Year 7.
For information on SATs provided by the DfE please click here
SATs Timetable May 2025
The Key Stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 12 May to Thursday 15 May. Please ensure that your child is in school on these important dates:
Monday 12 May - English spelling, punctuation and grammar paper 1 and paper 2
Tuesday 13 May - English reading paper (comprehension)
Wednesday 14 May – Mathematics paper 1 (arithmetic) and paper 2 (reasoning)
Thursday 15 May – Mathematics paper 3 (reasoning)
When are Year 6 SATs Results Released?
Although the SATs dates for 2025 are in May, the test results are not released until towards the end of the summer term. This is because even though the SATs tests are taken within the classroom, they are marked externally. Only children’s writing is marked internally.
Once the results have been returned, parents are given a report that shows their child’s raw score (the actual number of marks they got), their scaled score (which allows for comparison with all other children across the country who took the same test), and whether they have achieved the national standard (scaled score of 100 and above).
How to prepare for SATs?
Year 6 teachers are helping the children prepare for the SATs tests during their usual lessons and additional booster groups. They will let you know what level your child is currently performing at against the national standards during the parents’ evening meetings and inform you if your child is receiving extra support during the school day.
In order to cover all the areas of the curriculum that the children are expected to be confident in, we will send home a maths revision pack and an English revision pack after the February half term break. These revision packs will be their compulsory homework that must be completed at home and brought into school on the usual homework days. We will go through the homework on the following days:
Maths - Monday
English - Wednesday
There will be a lunchtime homework club for those children who have not completed their homework at home. Please note: these packs will be posted on Google Classroom. Should your child lose their revision pack, you can print it from there. No additional Google Classroom homework will be posted.
If you would like to do extra preparation at home – especially during the Easter holidays – please click the links below.
ICT Teachers – Year 6 Revision
PGL Residential Trip - Friday 6 June to Sunday 8 June 2025
Please click here for link to PGL Marchant's Hill's website:
Reading Suggestions
100 Books to read before you leave Year 6 Challenge - Please click here
Assessment Grids
Below are the assessment grids for reading, writing and maths which teachers use in order to help assess children's learning in these subjects. They consist of a list of statements that are age and stage appropriate, covering skills and content covered.